


Computer Related Power Use

Below are some test results of other devices related to computers. Eventually I aim to discover some information on the best types of switches, hubs, and monitors to use for power. I include the air-filter because I believe that every small server room (IE one that doesn’t have tens of thousands of dollars spent on […]

Conditions of Sending Email

The conditions of sending mail to my server are as follows:

A signature will in no way restrict my use of your message. You sent the message to me because you want me to read it (it was not mis-sent, my mail server does not accept mis-addressed mail). I will keep the message as long […]

Blog License

The contents of my blogs (unless otherwise noted) are licensed under a non-commercial share-alike license. This means (among other things) that you may not put my content on a web page that contains Google AdWords or any other similar advertising, and you may not use any automated system to take an RSS feed from my […]